Looking For An Office Cleaning Checklist?
You must be wondering, “Why do I need a cleaning checklist?” It’s because you want to keep your workplace safe and healthy without much hassle. Or maybe you’re just sick and tired of a lousy office building and employees calling in sick that result in time off work or, even worse: lost revenue. Well, whatever the reason is, you can benefit from having an office cleaning checklist.
There’s no need to guess what you should be doing during the cleaning process. Instead, be organized with it and make sure every nook and cranny is cleaned.
This updated checklist can be used as part of an integrated office management plan to help reduce the risk of catching Coronavirus. If you are looking for an office cleaning service near you with guaranteed satisfaction. Contact Executive Cleaning Services for a free estimate.
Cleaning Checklist For Office Managers & Property Management Companies
If you are an office manager in any commercial building occupied by the public, including offices, stores, warehouses, diners, and big-box retail facilities. If customers enter and exit your facility, you need a list of daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning and maintenance tasks.
Daily Tasks:
- Remove soiled trash bins and replace them with new ones
- Vacuum rugs, carpet, upholstery, and welcome mats
- Dust hard surfaces in the office area (desktops, windowsills)
- Clean and disinfect paper towel dispensers, restroom sink, toilet bowl, and urinal
- Clean and disinfect the sink
- Clean any spills on the floor
- Empty all trash receptacles
- Wipe door handles
- Refill toiletries such as paper towels, toilet paper, and hand soap
- Mop the hard floors with disinfectant cleaners
- Clean your coffee pot and discard old coffee grinds
- Mop kitchen floors
- Wipe all exterior of any kitchen appliances (kettle, toaster, etc.)
- Use a standard glass cleaner to wipe down all glass areas
- Sanitize all toilets, doors, and fixtures in the washroom
- Dust HVAC vents
Weekly Tasks:
- Replace any burnt out light bulbs
- Dust all furniture
- Damp-wipe all hard surfaces with a mild disinfectant
- Wipe down shelves inside cabinets
- Remove cobwebs from ceiling corners and walls
- Mop the floors with a disinfectant solution to kill germs and bacteria
- Empty trash bins
- Wipe skirting boards and painted surfaces such as cupboard doors
- Clean all exterior and interior of microwave oven (if applicable)
- Clean out the refrigerator of old food
- Discard paper towel and trash not in the recycle bin
Monthly Tasks:
- Wash all curtains & drapes
- Polish all furniture and hardwood surfaces
- Remove and replace broken or cracked light fixtures
- Deep clean floor drains
- Vacuum vents
- Check and make sure all hand dryers are working
Whether you have in-house office cleaners or outsource a commercial cleaning company, having an organized checklist for a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning will help maintain a spotless and sanitary workplace.
The concept behind an office cleaning checklist is simple: all cleaning tasks should be done systematically. But it’s hard to know what needs to be done and when without a proper guideline.
Internal Disinfecting Protocols To Keep Your Office Clean & Disinfected For Bacteria and Viruses
Most commonly used procedures for internal disinfecting:
- The Dreaded Sinks: Wash dirty dishes left in the sink. Using bleach and water solution, clean the top of the sink and wash the sink inside and outside to kill any potential bacteria or virus present.
- Trash Cans: Rinse all wastebaskets with hot, soapy water to remove surface dirt and grime. Ensure the bins are completely dry before replacing them.
- Newspaper: Rip up newspapers and use them as a base under wastebaskets and potted plants. This helps absorb spills and odors that may be present while attracting flies away from food and dirty areas. Newspaper is also used to wrap up garbage.
- Garbage: Make sure a garbage bag is within reach at all times. Keep a few extra bags for easier access and simple replacement.
- Cleaning Window Blinds: Some blinds are not quickly brought to the laundromat, which means cleaning it yourself can be a hassle. Wiping six to 12 slats with a damp cloth will do the job well enough.
- Implements: Keep cleaning tools close at hand for easy access. This includes clothes, sponges, disinfectant solutions, and paper towels.
- Office Equipment: Keep all equipment clean and germ-free. Equipment includes computers, printers, keyboards and mice, phones, staplers, and paper cutters.
- Remove Trash from Work Areas: Discard all trash in a trash can immediately upon completion of work. This prevents germs from spreading to clean areas. Be sure to empty all garbage from mini-recycling bins as well.
Inform employees to avoid touching desks, doors, light switches, other surfaces with bare hands containing high amounts of germs. Also, remind them to wash and sanitize their hands before eating. You should also ask them to stay home if they feel unwell not to spread the germs to others.
Keep the office space clean by performing what’s on the task list for regular cleaning. With these tools, you can ensure that your staff is safe from the COVID-19 virus.
Cleaning companies generally offer a commercial cleaning service for office spaces if you do not have time to clean your office reception area, conference rooms, break room, kitchen area, and other common areas. These companies are equipped with professional cleaners who can follow protocols and procedures that will ensure all safety.
A clean workplace is a healthy workplace. With these guidelines, you can be sure that your office is safe from the COVID-19 virus.
Creating Your Internal Office Space Cleaning Checklist
If you are an office manager, then your priority is to ensure that the building is clean and free from any contaminants at all times. It would be best to manage office cleaning effectively by having a reliable guideline of all things that need to be done before cleaning the areas.
You can come up with your checklist to ensure that you will not miss out on anything that needs doing. It is crucial that your workplace does not become a COVID-19 hub and spread the virus to different building parts.
Tips for creating your internal office space cleaning checklist:
- Start by creating a list of all things that need to be cleaned. It is also essential to include the order in which they should be done to prioritize them accordingly or leave them for last if you are pressed for time.
- Keep the checklist close at hand for easy reference. You might even want to laminate it to be easier to wipe off stains and spills.
- Include the office equipment on your checklist. This includes computers, printers, keyboards and mice, phones, staplers, and paper cutters.
- Keep surfaces free from debris by checking tables, shelves, and cabinets. Ensure that no desks or chairs are missing any parts before cleaning them up with hot, soapy water.
- Ensure that restrooms are clean and sanitized. This means floors, walls and sinks must all be wiped with a disinfectant solution. Make sure you replace toilet papers as well as toiletries that have been used up or misplaced.
- Remove trash from the office immediately upon completion of work for easy disposal later on.
- Inform your employees of the proper office etiquette. Remind them to sanitize their hands frequently and avoid touching common surfaces with bare hands. Don’t forget to remind them to stop working if they feel unwell not to spread COVID-19 virus germs.
- Other things you need to include on your office cleaning checklist are the entrance and exits of the office, windowsills, and carpets. These are common areas where bacteria thrive, so they must be wiped off regularly.
Ensuring that you have completed all tasks on your office cleaning checklists means that the workplace will be clean before moving on to another task or project. It will also ensure safety for all since contaminants will be kept at bay.
As much as possible, make sure that you involve every member of your staff in the cleaning process. This will maximize your precious time and give them an idea of how things are done.
Informing your employees about the importance of keeping their work areas clean will ensure that they follow through with this task.
It has been said that an unhealthy office is not productive so create an internal office cleaning checklist and keep it handy for easy reference. By prioritizing tasks, you will have no problem keeping the office clean and germ-free.